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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


已经病了好几天了... 先是喉咙痛, 然后, 就像是个免费配套一样, 伤风也一起来凑热闹... 直到昨天才去看医生.. 已经不能再忍受下去了, 因为鼻涕就像开了的水龙头一样一直流啊... 真是受不了了!!

但是天有点不作美哦... 当我到了诊所, 医生已经走了... 哎呀, 反正也不是什么大病, 就 self medicate 吧.. keke.. :P 从诊所买了感冒药, 消炎丸和喉片. 昨晚回到家, 洗了澡, 吃了药, 就呼呼大睡了... 一觉睡到天亮...

早上起来, 鼻涕已经没有想昨天一样的一直流了... hmm, 感觉视乎是比较好了哦... 哎呀, 说说而已啦, 你以为是仙丹嚒? keke.. 早上起来时, 头就一直隐隐作痛... 真辛苦啊! 就差那么一点就不上班了... 就那么一点... 脑海里浮现的那一座还没做完的工作, 今天还要做 submission, 所以就把自己给拖回办公室了... (诶, 怎么很像听到有人在说 "工作狂" hehe..) 哎呀, 不是工作狂啦... 只想把分内的工作做好... 就这样罢了..

我发现, 我每次一生病, 大多数是生大病... 而且会病蛮久的... sigh... 希望可以快快复原, 再多两天就要去 kelong 了!!! 我要加油加油!!!

eveie's indulgence @ 9:35 PM

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Time No Enough

so much to do, yet so little time...

if only there are 48 hours a day...

hmm... then again, if there are 48 hours a day, wld it be enough for me? haiz.. 都不知道是我没事找降多事做 or i'm such a workaholic...

well, i guess this is the part where i say, "that's for me to know, for you to find out." keke.. :P

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Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

pretty obvious; that's my name
i'm brought to this world
successfully struggled to survive
::working world::
a new start for me