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Thursday, July 31, 2008


when it comes to stupid contractors, work and gmt... 对于它们, 真的只有 "无奈" 这两个字可以形容... 错了, "无奈" 还不够呢... 就像 title block 一样, 是非常无奈啊!!!

humans are selfish by nature.. we all know that... it's the degree of selfishnessness of an individual that we all do not know.. and you know what? it's best not to know. cos you will never know, how scary it can be...

selfish bastards... i'm angry, upset, tired, whatever... oh well... 非常无奈... ... ...

the pulling and the pushing... the game of the tug-of-war... the push versus the pull... who will ultimately be the winner? 好累哦... ... ...

eveie's indulgence @ 11:43 PM

A Sport I Miss ~ Netball

netball, netball, netball... a game i really love... and it's been a really loooong time since i played netball. if i'm not wrong, the last game of netball i played was the inter-class competition in sec 4... woah, that's like... erm... 7 years ago??!!!

oh, joined the inter-department captain ball competition on tues... initially din want to play.. but not enuf gals. there must be at least 4 gals in a team of 7. plus teik seng insisted that i promised to join him since last year, i went for it...

the game was pretty aggressive... way too aggressive to my liking thou... i mean, it's afterall, just a game, among colleagues.. 需要玩到你死我活吗? i don't know, i don't personally liked the game... cos some were too "strategic", some too "傲", some don't even trust their own team mates.. which i guess you know, where those some "not being trusted" ended up being the 花瓶 of the team.. and of cos, some, sore losers. seriously, i hate to use this "sore losers" word... but, it seems to be the most adequate...

all in all... at the end of the day, it's just a game..

a friendly yet aggressive game... is normal... but unfriendly and aggressive... sorry, not my cup of tea...

and that's probably one of the reasons why i'm refraining myself to make any promises to play next tues... wrong, "play" don't seem to be the correct word... "battle" seems to fit in more adequately.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mind Games

i don't deny that sometimes playing mind games are good. but there are certain times you can't. cos time gets ahead of you, and what you're planning may not be adequate anymore...

有些东西, 在某些适当的时候, 是可以简简单单的...

觉得是对自己或别人好的事, 有可能到最后, 反而会害了自己(/别人)...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The First ~ Many To Come??

registered for my first marathon run.. not the 42km one, but the 10km one... will be running with brina and dearie.. kiat will be running the 21km, and wr, the ultimate 42km... hmm, another event for the ntu-siao-on wor.. lol...

hope i can make it.. or rather, hope my oh so strong knees won't give up on me... i must 加油加油!!! train train train... in hopes to run more, clear more marathons...

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Brillant Office Hours

received a call from 某某 bank ytd while at work...

某某 bank caller: hi, is this ms evelyn?
me: yes speaking.
某某 bank caller: i'm (blah blah blah) calling from (blah blah blah)..
某某 bank caller: (continues) are you free to talk now?
me: no, i'm working at the moment.
某某 bank caller: oh, it's ok then. i'll call again..

when i ended the call, this came across my mind.. what on earth made her think that the person she was calling wasn't working? it's afterall, her working time, common office hours isn't it? i understand if you call like 1130 la, 12 la etc.. lunch hours la.. but working time??!! *faint*

hmm, maybe she's just trying to find 1 out of 100 pple whom she called who's not working or just available to listen to her? i know, i'm kinda mean... keke.. oh well, just another day of nonsensical 无聊 blabberings.. :P

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pinkie Lumixie 30



有些人说我越来越孤僻了... 但我觉得, 那未必是件坏事...

i rather be alone, then to be sitting, listening but not saying anything...
i rather be alone, then to pretend to be enjoying myself...

i rahter be alone, cos at least i know, being alone, of such irony, 我不寂寞...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Pinkie Lumixie 29


Sunday, July 20, 2008

If Only Blabberings

random thots running thru my mind... how many a times have we used "if only..."? how many times in life do you think we need the word "if only"?

if only i knew... :P

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pinkie Lumixie 28



super sian.. here there everywhere also pain... from the knee which is ALWAYS hurting... to a new found pain (ok, not really pain, but aches) in the back and the shoulders and the neck...

pain pain pain... :(

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pinkie Lumixie 27


Product Demos

i hate them... not only are they a waste of my time, making me unable to do my work cos i'm stuck in the meeting room, they seem to be some like some 催眠术, making my eyes so wana close, machiam re-living my ntu days during lecture... oops... hahahaha....

well, one thing about product demos... their product is always 万能 one... the one i attended this afternoon, wah, really machiam is super 万能 one lor... first is the 3d modelling... then model liao can help you design somemore leh... even if your column got holes! hahaha... can design the column, beam, slab... can do dunno what flat slab... can also do quantities, tell you how much formwork you need, rebar you need etc... after the designing part, still can detail for you... and best of all, can export to autocad dwg file!!!

after the demo, we were all saying our 饭碗不保啊!!! since the program so 万能... don't need engineers lo... then also don't need drafters lo... just need pple who know how to use the computer can le... lol...

don't you agree that we humans are so contradictory at times? prog can do this, complain.. prog cannot do this, also complain... hahahaha.... erm.. not complain la... they are just all... erm... blabberings... hahaha...

我真是够无聊... ... oh well...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Problem With Me

... is that i've got too many wants... and somehow, i don't seem to know how to prioritise them very well... which, kinda puts me in a huge dilemma....

what shld i do? what "want" is good? what "want" is a redundant? oh gawd... all spinning in a whirlpool... ... ...

needs and wants.. needs and wants... what defines things as a need? what defines things as a want? 其实, 就只是那一线之差, 不是吗???

Pinkie Lumixie 26


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Pinkie Lumixie 25


Dragon Faint Fruit

RC gave out dragon fruit this week... our reaction were mainly "wah, this week's fruit so big... getting bigger by the week... haha..."

actually, there's nothing much to blog about dragon fruit la... neither is there anything much to blog about company giving out fruits.. but there is something to blog when you have the admin manager sending out email telling you how to eat the fruit. kaoz...

this was how the email went:
"hi, if you have colleagues who do not know how to consume the dragon fruit, pls inform them that they can cut it into half, use a spoon to scoop and eat the internal part (blah blah blah)"

when i saw that email, i almost fainted... SCOOP THE INTERNAL PART???!!!! kaoz... sounds like some intestine can? and please leh, dragon fruit is NOT such a unique or rare fruit that cannot be found in singapore... kaoz... either she thinks that we're stupid.. if not, she must be the stupid one, who probably went online to search on "how to eat dragon fruit" and upon getting an answer, happily shared this info with everyone... awww... how sweet of her...

gawd, i can't believe i just typed that last sentence, thou it's meant to be totally sacarstic... oh, i almost forgot, apart being such a sweetie (vomits), she's a cutie too (vomits vomits)... cutie fringe...

ok, i better stop... cannot take it liao... and one thing for sure after receiving such an email from her, i wldn't be surprise if next time she send emails that tells you how to eat rambutan or lychee or longan etc...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

As The MSN Nick Adequately Puts It

... are there any signs to which direction i should go? ...

haiz... oh well...

*ah loong*
*ah mok*
*chen jie*
*chen munn*
*jia wang*
*kai lun*
*kin fook*
*sherlaine (new)*
*siew wun*
*uncle ma*
*wai wai*
*wing yan*
*yan hao*
*yong xiang*
*zhenhong* *zhiguang*

*2 ting*
*anode & cathode games*
*baidu mp3*
*banner generator*
*ben & jerry*
*blinky mummy*
*bible gateway*
*care2 cards*
*celebrities eating*
*class 95*
*coffeebreakarcade games*
*colour codes*
*dbl O*
*felicia chin*
*free flash toys*
*gallery of the absurd*
*getty images*
*glitter graphics*
*gv movies*
*happy tree friends*
*iweb music*
*iweb tunes*
*kenny sia*
*lets sing it lyrics*
*lush 99.5*
*mc king*
*miniclip games*
*ministry of sound*
*mobile 9*
*moby sky*
*mr brown*
*ms dowager*
*paper girls shop*
*parking idiots*
*patricia mok*
*quiz box*
*sarong party gal*
*sharon au*
*the 7 deadly sinners*
*tickle quiz*
*yes 933*
*you tube*

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pretty obvious; that's my name
i'm brought to this world
successfully struggled to survive
::working world::
a new start for me